Institutional Quality Assurance Directorate

Educational Quality Improvement Directorate [EQID]

Some Basic Information Related to the Office

  1. Introduction

In order to realize the goal of achieving fair and sustainable economic growth in Ethiopia, educational institutions are expected to fulfill their role as capacity building centers.

Our university is carrying out the tasks and responsibilities given by the decree in order to effectively fulfill this high responsibility and to realize the development goal aimed at in our country.

Aksum University Educational Quality Improvement Directorate has to prepare and implement appropriate procedures and standards in order to successfully achieve the mission of providing teaching, research, community service and other services given to Axum University.

Using good management as a key tool to increase shareholder and user satisfaction, the activities started by the university will be strengthened with the support of the relevant stakeholders in order to move it to a higher level and make it effective. In order for the university to carry out its mission well, by strengthening the activities that have been started, the work of providing attitude and skill development training will be done diligently to strengthen the management bodies that directly or indirectly affect the education and other services delivery process at all levels.

The directorate will continue to implement the result-oriented planning and performance evaluation system (BSC) from year to year to contribute to the university’s efforts to restore the human and physical resources that survived the destruction of war and to restore it to its former position. Currently the office of EQID is preparing its plan based on the BSC and its Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

1.2. Vision

The vision of the center is to see Aksum University as the first preferred educational institution in the country by 2030 by improving and assuring quality education, conducting research, community service and technology transfer.

1.3. Mission

The directorate’s main mission is to create a culture of quality and appropriateness, and the university’s goal is to “reorganize the institution and provide quality education, conduct demand-based research, and provide responsive community services and technology transfer activities to solve local, national, and global problems and achieve sustainable growth.”

1.4. The Strategic Objectives of the Institution and the directorate

  • Producing citizens who hate rent-seeking by promoting good governance;
  • Implementation of change programs to the fullest extent;
  • Increasing participation and equity in education;
  • Enhancing the relevance and quality of education;
  • Strengthening teacher development;
  • Promoting research, community service and technology transfer;
  • Improving institutional leadership, procedures and organization;
  • Using public resources in accordance with government law and responsibly; and
  • Enhancing internationalization of higher education.

1.5. The Values ​​of the Directorate

  • Quality education for all;
  • Making quality and appropriateness a culture;
  • Providing services that integrate quality and efficiency;
  • Economical use of resources and effective property care;
  • Academic freedom and professionalism;
  • Decentralized leadership;
  • Unity in diversity;
  • Excellence in effort;
  • Student-centered approach;
  • Social responsibility and service to the public;
  • Appropriate care for employees;
  • Accountability for performance; and
  • Concern for the environment.

1.6. Motto of the Institution and the Directorate /MOTO/

Educational Quality Improvement shall include all the following focus areas:

  1. Vision, Mission, and Educational goals
  2. Governance and Administration and Support Staff
  3. Academic programs, curricula and courses
  4. Quality of Academic staffs (including Teaching and Learning Experience)
  5. Quality of Infrastructure, Learning Resources and Facilities
  6. Quality of Teaching-Learning, Assessment and other academic processes
  7. Scholarship, Research, Outreach and Community Service
  8.  Quality of Student Admission and Support Services
  9. Student Progression and Graduate Outcomes
  10. Internal Quality assurance
    1. Educational Quality Improvement Process

The major focus areas of the educational quality improvement process are as follows:

  1. Context
  2. Vision, Mission, Strategic and annual Plans
  3. Administrative Atmosphere
  4. Environment
  5. Reports of previous performance that show good achievements as well as gaps/weaknesses
  6. Input
  7. Colleges, Departments & Staff
  8. Students
  9. Administrators
  10. Finance and Budgeting
  11. Facilities
  12. Buildings
  13. Guidelines and policies
  14. Preparation documents, forms, and task divisions
  15. Process
  16. Teaching and Learning Process
  17. Assessment process
  18. Quality Assurance Process
  19. Research Process
  20. UIL and TT process
  21. Partnership process
  22. Academic Services Process
  23. Output
  24. Quality and Quantity of Academic Services
  25. Quality and Quantity of Graduates
  26. Quality and Quantity of Research and Community Service projects
  27. Attrition rate, dropout rate, completion rate, etc
  28. Grade submission
  29. Staff evaluation results
    1. Duties and Responsibilities of the  Directorate
  30. Develop  and  implement  formal  educational quality  improvement  systems,  policies  and  procedures  to help any activities in the University to be consistent and responsive to the vision, mission, goal, and objectives of the university.
  31. Integrate  educational quality improvement system comprehensively, clearly and concretely in every step, every level of operation in order to instill quality culture in the university;
  32. Assess  the  educational quality  of  core  process  activities  (teaching-learning,  research and  community engagement,  and  student  services)  and  support  process  activities  (Information communication  Technology,  Human  Resource  Management,  Estate  and  facility management) of the University;
  33. Improve University’s overall management practices to be exemplary in good governance;
  34. Communicate  with  the  relevant  statutory,  accreditation  and  professional  boards  and bodies;
  35. Establish  linkages, partnership and  networks with other educational quality improvement  institutions to improve quality teaching-learning and research;
  36. Work with relevant University organs in defining and setting educational quality bench marks;
  37. Perform  academic  and  research  audit  incompliance  with  academic  and  research  educational quality improvement policy;
  38. Assist  University  units  in  developing  standards  for  academic,  research,  community  and support services;
  39. Review academic program and their curricula and supervise academic units to ensure  the relevance and quality of education;
  40. Establish and administer central examination database.
  41. Perform any other duties as may be required.
    1. Duties and responsibilities of  Educational Quality Improvement Coordinators/ Officers
  • Devote half of (50%) of his time and energy to the post with six credit hours (6) LEH of teaching/research;
  • Keep a baseline data and data base of key activities of the Campus/college/Institute;
  • Benchmark similar institutions and proposes their best practices to the college/academic units in the campus/Institute;
  • In cooperation with the college deans and department heads, develop/review examination policies, standards and guidelines and submit to relevant bodies for approval;
  • Maintain examination system, question bank, computer-based testing, external examination;
  • Coordinate and administer examinations;
  • Coordinate course, program, department/center/ Institute and college self-assessment;
  • Coordinate program, department/Institute/center and college peer review, external review and accreditation audit;
  • Develop academic standards for resources like classroom technology, laboratories, workshops etc and follow-up their implementation;
  • Provide professional support for the development of the college/Campus/Institute level policy in relation to quality  improvement in line with good international practices;
  • Drive new initiatives designed to resolve issues arising in review reports in cooperation with University level educational quality improvement ;
  • promote and supports a sense of ownership by individual departments, Institutes/centers of the college’s educational quality  improvement systems and procedures;
  • Conduct student/staff/stakeholders satisfaction survey with regard to quality and reports to all relevant bodies;
  • Support and coordinate research and community service qualities;
  • Handle and performs matters delegated to him/her by the college dean/director.

1.11. Human Resources of the Directorate

The university has been working to provide competent and sufficient human resources to help it carry out the tasks set in various fields.

Based on the new Structure there will be a total of 6 employees in the directorate, 3 of them (the director and two officers) are academic employees, the administrative employees will be allocated within a short period of time. These will be two educational quality improvement and control experts and one executive secretary.

In addition, there will be at least one educational quality coordinator/officer in all campuses and institutes, so there will be a total of 5 educational quality improvement coordinators/ officers.

1.12. Detail Address of the Director and Officers at the Center

1. Place: Registrar Building Room Number 102

2. Name of the Directorate Director:

Tsegay Berhane (PhD)

Assistant Professor of Commerce & Management

Director, Educational Quality Improvement Directorate[EQID]

Aksum University

Cell Phone: +251 914 727735


P.O.Box :1010, Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia.

3. Name of the Officers:

Zeray Baraki

Assistant professor in pediatric and child health nursing

Lecturer in School of Nursing

AKU Educational Quality Improvement officer [EQIO]

Aksum university collage of health science and Comprehensive specialized hospital

Telephone 0921990232

Aksum University

Axum, Ethiopia

Leake Legese

Lecturer in the Department of Marketing Management

AKU Student Career Development Officer [SCDO]

Aksum University, College of Business and Economics

Telephone 0935900600

Aksum University

Axum, Ethiopia